So, the other day, my husband says to me:
"You basically run a home for unwanted books."

I have to admit: he's not wrong.

A lot of the supplies in my little shop have interesting stories behind them. Like the time a retired fisherman stopped by my pop-up shop and dropped off old nautical charts.

Family members called me to help them dig out after their lockdown-inspired online shopping trips left them buried in mountains of ... everything.

So, if you are in Juneau, Alaska, and you are overwhelmed with cool old books or stacks of paper or craft supplies you think I might be able to use, you can give me a call. I don't buy second hand supplies, and I don't take everything.

But, if I do take it, I commit to making sure it gets used.

Give me a call at 360-559-1395 if you'd like to talk about finding a new home for stuff that is making you sad or angry every time you look at it. Maybe I can help.